Actually, I am not supposed to this blog. Because, while watching the closing ceremonies of the Beijing 2008 Olympics, I am doing an entry.
But someone has opened my laptop and this morning,
I then discovered that my entry is missing.
Anyway, I will try to restate everything that have written last night.
Life After the Life Changing Story
On August 28, will be 1 month since youth from ASEAN, China, Japan and Korea gathered to Singapore and talk about Entrepreneurship/Employment, Education,Engagement and Environment.
It will be 1 month since friendship (and also some other things) started. And because of this many starting to invite each others to visit each own's country and relieve the experience.
It has been my honour to represent the Philippines in such events that will eventually contribute to the lives of my Filipino youth.
So, what's next? As for us in the Philippines, I believe that the National Youth Commission is cooking something out of the A+3YF.
My next endeavour would be a National Gathering of Youth in the Philippines (Another entry will discuss this), I am now on the screening stage. I hope I could pass the screening process.
Life After 8.8.08
It has been a colourful and exciting Beijing 2008 Olympics. So far, they hold the record of the most expensive Olympics with 20 Billion Dollars. The most extravagant Olympics.
And the most ellaborative details ever.
As for the Philippines, the delegates will go back in the country will be empty-handed but not degraded. They have shown what is the Filipino spirit is all about.
Technically speaking, the country is empty handed, but actually, the Philippines is not empty handed.
Willy Wang is 4 other Philippine delegates to the wushu exhibition/demonstration got medals. Especially Wang that won the Gold.
This is not the first time that this happened to the country. Way back in the 1988 Seoul Olympics, the Philippines got Gold in Bowling.
Though during that time, Bowling was an exhibition sports.
I believe the government should put attention to the training of the athletes, instead of adding incentives who will ever get a Gold medal in the Olympics.
The training of the athletes is not only months or one year, but it will take more than 2 years.
I also hope that some government-owned corporations, that is mandated by the constitution, will give its contribution to the sports development fund of the Philippines.
People, especially some politicians, says that the Philippines has a lot of potential. But it will not happen if personal interest will be layed in the tables.
Also The Philippines, will not materialize the potential that they are saying, if the government will not invest to the youth.
For God's sake, try to think how many Filipinos now. Almost 93 Million! And how many of those are aged 15 - 35? (It's the age of "youth" in the Philippines)
Anyway, China has started and ended the Beijing 2008 Olympics with style, and setting the trend.
That London declared already that they cannot topped what China did, but will stage a great Olympics.
The double decker bus, Leona Lewis, Jimmy Page, David Beckham and people of London gave everyone the preview on what to see for the 2012 Olympics.
If the approach of Beijing is cultural, the approach of London is more on pop.
With is contreversial Logo, the 2012 London Olympics will be a great one as countries will relieve the Olympic Spirit.
Life for Waiting the 2012 London Olympics and Other dates to remember
It will be a fun to watch it live during that time.
So, why I am talking about it?
Well, London is on my list as one of the places/countries that I need to go before I die. Vatican (Holy See) as the number one.
Another one, is that my Aunt is there. I have the advantage of staying there, or living there for good. Let us see what times can say.
Next to the 2012 London Olympics will be the 2016 Olympics. And I hope that Tokyo will have it.
So that I can go back to Japan, and I have my "homecoming" in Ibaraki - ken prefecture, Japan.
I really miss my foster family, some people and special someone.
But who ever know, my "homecoming" will be early and can happen as soon as I graduate in College.
But before 2012 and 2016...will be the Singapore Youth Olympics 2010.
I really don't know if I will be able to go to Singapore this year, as I may pursue a Master Degree.
But then again, we may never know. And I may see again some Singaporean friends and maybe some other A+3YF delegates.
Life during a busy life
Busy. This is what I can say on my life as a Graduating student.
Many says that i don't speak (and look) like 19. I speak like 25 or older.
But seriously, life for me right now is very, very ok. Despite of the difficulties that the Philippines is experiencing.
I have been lucky enough to experience some things that made me a better person.
This week is our Midterm examination, and this week is giving us one hell of a week (again).
Even though we have only two written examination this term, we have many paper works and a stage play to pass.
But this is not making me panic, even though I can feel the pressure.
Life in general is amazing.
It can give you many experience.
About Love, Sorrowness and how you can handle the Pressure.
It can teach you so many things that, all you can do is to select what you can learn.
Because, you can have information overload.
Right now, I am learning the lesson called "Prioritize".
I am trying to plot now my future with this leeson..
as much as I want to do the things that I want to do...
I have this thing called "responsibility" on my family.
Especially to my brother.
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